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  1. Modeling Structural Members

  2. Modeling Members & Nodes

  3. Generating Model Geometry (Truss Example)

  4. Renumbering Elements

  5. Viewing Structure Geometry


  1. Section DataBases for Properties

  2. Prismatic Section Properties

  3. Beta Angles

  4. Assigning Section Properties

  5. Redefining Start & End of Member

  6. Model Web Tapered Members



  1. Master Slave Specification

  2. Release Specification

  3. Offset Specification

  4. Property Reduction Specification

  5. Axial Load Specification

  6. Supports

  7. Setting Up Groups

  8. Creating a Custom Shape

  9. Member Resting on Member


  1. Loads and Combinations

  2. Apply Self Weight

  3. Modeling Nodal Loads

  4. Loads and Combinations II

  5. Floor Load Command

  6. Modeling Loads and Combinations

  7. Reference Loads

  8. Moving Loads

  9. Wind Loads

  10. Static Seismic Loads

  11. Static Seismic Loads w/ Accidental Eccentricities

  12. Static Seismic Loads w/ Orthogonal Effects

  13. Seismic Loads Using Dynamic Analysis


  1. Specifying Analysis Commands

  2. Multi Run Analysis

  3. Direct Analysis

  4. Post Processor

  5. Viewing Instabilities


  1. Steel Design Code

  2. Assigning Parameters for Model

  3. Specifying Commands and Performing Design

  4. Design Pile Foundations (unavailable)

The AISC Steel Bridge Design Prep Videos

  1. Modeling Loading

  2. Performing Analysis & Design

This page is under construction & constantly updated